tas.gov.au - external site
myServiceTas Account - external site

We have designed this website to ensure content is accessible to everyone, including people who use assistive technology and readers.

We aim to meet the latest standard of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines at an AA level. We will continue to improve the website to meet changing web accessibility standards.

At times, we may publish or link to documents and publications received from third parties. These may not follow the AA level standards.

Let us know if you have difficulties using this site

If you have any problems using our site, please tell us about your experience.

We can help you faster if you can give us the information suggested in Contacting Organisations about Inaccessible Websites.

We welcome and will carefully consider any constructive feedback about the accessibility or usability of this website.

Need an interpreter?

Phone the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 and tell them your language. Tell the interpreter your name and that you’re calling Service Tasmania on 1300 13 55 13.